Office Rules

While we want our community to be open, fun, energizing, and collaborative, we also want it to be professional.  In that interest, our guests must abide by the following rules and requirements.

Collaboration, Sharing and Mutual Respect. A major benefit of Lost Office is access to Your fellow Guests. We absolutely encourage Lost Office guests to make connections, share ideas, provide advice, and generally make great stuff happen. However, Guests should not directly solicit other guests concurrently using the Premises. 

Access. Physical access to the Premises is provided through an electronic access control system that will be accessible by all registered Guests. You may not install other locks on doors without the prior written consent of Lost Office. 

Kitchen. While Lost Office is a full-service, hospitality-driven experience, we subscribe to a “mutual respect of space” mindset. So, please be respectful of other guests in the Premises. Cooking is not permitted in the Premises (excepting use of the coffee maker and microwave).  Please wash and dry Your cups, glasses, and dishes and place them in the dishwasher, including Your Guests’ items.   

Zero Tolerance Policy. Discrimination and harassment of others are prohibited. Lost Office has a zero-tolerance policy for any remarks or behavior that fails to respect the dignity and feelings of any individual in or on the Premises. 

Trash.  Please be mindful of trash and dispose of waste in appropriate waste baskets available throughout the space. 

Security. Lost Office is a 24/7 facility. Guests are expected to be mindful of security at the Premises and of the safety of others at all times.  We do not employ 24/7 security to monitor the Lost Office spaces. 

Doors, Gates, and Windows. You will (and will cause Your Guests to) use reasonable efforts to close all doors, gates, and windows to the Premises that You have opened.  You assume full responsibility for theft, robbery, and pilferage caused by You or your Guests leaving doors, gates, and windows opened or unlocked. 

Doors, Hallways, and Sidewalks. The sidewalks, halls, passages, exits, and entrances shall not be obstructed or used for any purposes other than for ingress to and egress from the Premises. 

Lodging. Guests may not sleep in or otherwise use the Premises for lodging. 

Smoking, drugs. Lost Office facilities are smoke, tobacco, and illegal substance free. You and Your Guests may not smoke, vape, chew tobacco, or carry lighted cigars or cigarettes EXCEPT in areas designated as smoking areas. 

Dangerous Materials. You may not bring upon, use, or keep in the Premises any flammable, combustible, or explosive material, or use any additional method of heating or air conditioning. 

Heating/ AC. You will cooperate fully with Lost Office to ensure the most effective operation of the heat and air conditioning system for the Premises and will refrain from adjusting any controls. You will (and will cause Your Guests to) keep corridor doors and windows closed. 

Damage. You will (and will cause Your Guests to) not place graffiti on or deface the walls, partitions, or other surfaces of the Premises, or otherwise deface any section of the Premises. You will (and will cause Your Guests to) not damage or inappropriately use any toilet rooms, plumbing or other utilities. You will give prompt notice to Lost Office of any accident or damage to or defects in electrical, plumbing, mechanical, telecom, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or other systems or apparatus known to You so the same may be attended to properly. 

Nuisance. You will not make or permit any noise or odors that annoy or interfere with other guests or persons doing business in the Premises or to those living in the building and community residences. You will (and will cause Your Guests to) not bring anything in or around the Premises or Premises that is excessively heavy or that causes excessive vibration in any part of the Premises. 

Animals. Neither You nor Your Guests will keep animals in the Premises. 

Safety. You will (and will cause Your Guests to) comply with all safety, fire protection and evacuation regulations established by Us, the owner of the Premises, or any applicable government agencies. 

Firearms and Weapons. To ensure the safety and security of all individuals within our premises, we strictly prohibit the possession, carrying, or use of firearms or any other type of weapons by any person, including but not limited to employees, clients, visitors, or contractors, within the property boundaries, regardless of whether the individual has a permit to carry a firearm. 

Parking. Lost Office may provide access to designated parking at or near the Premises, which may be revoked at any time. In the event that Lost Office provides You or Your Guests with parking, You agree to abide by the following regulations: 

  • Parking areas will be used only for parking by vehicles no longer than full size, passenger automobiles and for no other purpose. No storage of any items including but not limited to trucks, trailers, shipping/storage containers, boxes and pallets will be permitted in the parking areas. 

  • You will not permit or allow any vehicles that belong to or are controlled by You or Your Guests to be loaded, unloaded, or parked in areas other than those designated for such activities. 

  • Parking stickers or identification devices must be returned to Us immediately upon termination of this License. You must pay such replacement charge for the loss of an identification device. 

  • We reserve the right to relocate all or a part of the parking spaces within the parking area of the Premises. 

  • Users of the parking area must obey all posted signs and park only in the areas designated for vehicle parking. 

  • Unless otherwise instructed, every person using the parking area is required to park and lock his/her own vehicle. Neither We nor the owner of the Premises will be responsible for any damage to vehicles, injury to persons or loss of property, all of which are risks are assumed by the individual using the parking area. 

  • You must ensure all of Your Guests, employees, agents, and invitees comply with this License, and the applicable parking rules, regulations, laws, and agreements. 

  • We reserve the right to modify these rules and/or to adopt such other reasonable rules and regulations as deemed necessary for the proper operation of the Premises and/or the parking area. You agree to abide by all such existing, modified, and new rules and regulations. 

  • Such parking use as is herein provided is intended merely as a license only and no bailment is intended or will be created. 


Internet Access. You or Your Guests may be required to agree to our “Internet Terms of Use” before accessing the internet.  You shall (and shall cause your Guests to) not use the internet connection for any unlawful or harmful purpose, including but not limited to: 

  • hosting, storing, sending, relaying, or processing any harmful components, including malware, viruses, and trojan horses, 

  • infringing any Person's Intellectual Property, privacy, or other proprietary rights, 

  • using it to slander, libel, or defame any Person, publish a Person's personal information or likeness without consent, or otherwise violate a Person's privacy, 

  • using it to harass or threaten harm, or make offensive, indecent, or abusive statements or messages, 

  • sending mass unsolicited e-mails or file distributions to third parties, 

  • attempting to or help others gain unauthorized access to or use of confidential third-party information, or 

  • in any way which could reasonably put Us in breach of any state or federal law.

If you have any questions, please contact contact Alexis Spain at